Merlin’s cave, spring equinox 2012

Gaja Beukers

It was 2012, the Mayan Calendar Year of change and Transformation. With a small group we made a journey to several sacred places in England with the intend to do ceremonies there for the Equinox.

We visited many places that held such power and beauty. Chalise Wells, Castle of the knights of the Round Table, we passed Stone Henge and close by was another sacred place: Wood Henge. We set an intend that Equinox and when all of us stepped into that circle and it was like we all started time-traveling. That was just Mystery & Magic happening. No words for it. We visited some of the oldest trees in England, for me it felt like connected to the “Roots of the Druids”. Who knows, which ancestors have been there, dancing in the light of the full moon, by those trees 100 years before.

To remember Han Ko, I feel gratitude in my heart, for his listening to the land, the rocks, the water, the elementals. He taught me so much and as he passed over, it is a blessing to have a dear friend on the other side too. I give my deepest thanks to all he shared with his determination of his spirit to bring harmony to the planet , his way. To empower others on their journeys , in transitions and transformation. To the light.